The Hand and the Heart

Make something.
Use your hands.

What’s coming back to me is
the realm of the personal
that which is made by a person,
from that person, to me.
The Hand and the Heart

As we’ve moved GIRVIN from
downtown Seattle [they’re demolishing our building]
to the bottom of West Queen Anne,
we’ve all been sorting through thousands of files, prints, folios, samples —
a larger percentage has been reduced,
re-sorted or recycled.
Again — we just moved,
a half decade back.

But one thing holds harder to the collection —
those are the drawings, the sketches, the notes, the old calligraphy, the letters — those that are made by hand.
It would come down to this question:
“who cares?”

In much of all the work that we do, and likely, you do:
it comes down to that —
“what you do,
who cares about it?”

Your story,
your enterprise,
your product
your team.
Sell, how?
Your community.
The marketing would be a storytelling — an allegorical explication or not, factual or legendary —
going to market
would be a story told: —

But the ultimate point
is in the character of every brand —
made by a human, for a human,
one would presume that a hand comes into play.
There is a story, inside a story — and what does it sound like, look like, smell like?
And in these tellings —
who cares?

I care for things that have that vestige of humanity.

In our move, studying the most memorable, the most telling, the most unforgettable —
it is the hand and the heart,
careful made:
that calls to the most beautiful.
The Hand and the Heart

Fire, passion, commitment, making.
And isn’t that what we all seek?
More beauty.


The Hand and the Heart
Hands from
Ginny Ruffner’s
work table.


Rethinking Beauty:
Brand Strategy & Visualization
Girvin BrandJourneys