Into The Mist:
Time ticks as you walk in the dark, emerging or failing light — and you realize that your true reliable momentum measure is the sound of your heels — moment to moment: pavement, gravel, pea, grass, chipped woods, snow and ice. Each, a rhythm, a story.
There is a journey — in experience, design, brand and storytelling — and it comes down to what you see, what you hear and listen to, and how that is interpreted.
As a designer — what do you see beyond the conventional clarity of the normalized solution-making?
Brand — what’s through the fog of uncertain demography?
Architecture — how is that journey defined, from here, to there —
how does one build
beyond the clutter?
Here now,
hear now —
[are you] what passes by?
You are into the mist, and, this deed, indeed —
you are in the midst.
A team at GIRVIN,
with Senior Designer Michael Kennedy
and others in support,
celebrate the idea of the misted,
the fogged environment
which we see as a potent metaphor
to the grasp of what is seen in scene.
Or what is not.
Beyond the complex molecular containment
of the swirl of watery vapors that,
in earth-grasped clouds swath the land
in mystical landscapes of obscuration.
There are about 200 members
of our honorary society,
and anyone that savors
the Fog
is welcome to join.
Like us,
and you’re in.
Post and publish your stories
and fog imagery as you will.
As I measure out the spin, the stride of next steps, new movements, the beauty of what could be found in that new curve [up the road, that I can’t quite see, I realize there must be, shall be — some uncertainty in the clinging fog of mystery.
In everything,
there is uncertainty.
Anything certain, as a momentary statement of condition,
is boring.
Something is there, just up the road —
but what calls, good — or bad?
For me, it’s always the good, the striking beauty of what we have, or are, experiencing [ that, a blessing unto itself ] — simply, at the opening distant sighting you can’t quite see; it will reveal itself.
It’s also about not forgetting
that everything evanesces — in one instant:
it’s here — clearly visible; and
in another, the veil crosses.
And it’s gone.
That is our one certainty, sure:
impermanence is immanent.
You’re either looking for the good,
in what might come forth — future bringing;
or you are looking for something else, the contrary.
Look for something — get out there:
that path, that corridor, that boulevard, of and to, light.
Look down that corridor — that there is Light, something showing you the way — is the beginning intimation of
secret wisdom, love,
Mist is imagination. It’s the smoke of meditative visioning.
You look into the mist, and you will see what you can see.
What your mind will show you, in the blank canvas before you.
It’s up to you to ponder what lies beyond.
If it was all black and lightless, you’d be forced to fumble and “feel your way” — and who knows where, and how, that might lead you.
With the light of your listening, and the character of the emerging journey — you hear things, know things in a new manner, sense new possibilities because you’ve come further. And coming further, you can go further — that being the most important to any adventurer.
This, of course, applies to everything.
Tim | GIRVIN | Decatur Island