Speed Thrills. Slow spills.
Girvin | Delano, Miami Beach, Fl.

A meditation on the concepts of speed and pace — in the relationship with anyone, anywhere, anyplace.

Do you find yourself hurrying past the conversation that you’re having? Are you looking ahead, in passage against where you are now? Are things simply not fast enough?

I wonder about that:
Slow: Down.
Speed: Up.

There’s a postulate about the links between speeding (and) up. And the notion of slowing (and) down. There’s a point that neither of these might be relevant — speed, or slowness. But the real point of consideration might be: attention. How simple, the message? How resonant, the message? To the tendon of connectivity — really, how attuned and attentive are you?

Don’t ask, or presume, that I think that I know about attention, being attentive, or the nature of focus — it’s a craft; and I’m certain I’ll be reflecting on it for the rest of my life. But I do react, observe, notate and contemplate the concept of attention. And write about it.

I got this note from Harvard the other day — their business offering; every day: a management positioning.

Actually, their social strategy is well layered, crossing categories and building on the multiplicity and indices of content that they guard and preserve (and distribute, for pay). Studying these variants, I realized the strange futility of arriving at any composite of thinking about how to relate to people — one, to selling and communicating ideas, two — audience communications (the brand space suggests links to connecting with people using the simplistic language that they, specifically, will understand.) Fast. Simple. “Don’t waste my time.” What we’re finding, as a new sidebar to attention and speed is the layering and sequencing of content in a manner that allows for levels of access.


2 Ways to Effectively Speak
with Your Customers

Successfully communicating with customers is the foundation for all sales. Here are two tactics that will increase the likelihood that your customers hear what you have to say:

  1. Understand their language. Too many companies use a one-size-fits-all sales pitch. The reality is that your customers speak a unique language informed by their life experiences. Tailor your approach and your language for each customer.
  2. Focus on them, not you. It’s tempting when trying to make a sale to talk about “my company, my product’s benefits, my product’s features.” Instead, turn the spotlight on your customers. Talk about their problems, their values, and their purchasing plans.

Speed Thrills. Slow spills.

The notion that companies must go above and beyond in their customer service activities is so entrenched that managers rarely examine it. But a study of more than 75,000 people interacting with contact center representatives or using self-service channels found that over-the-top efforts make little difference: All customers really want is a simple, quick solution to their problem.

Reviewing a presentation today for the structuring of an interactive interface – simple, the top; easy, the comprehension; speedy, the vanishment. Here today, gone yesterday. There’s a point to that study, the layering of how that perspective might be seen.

Speed Thrills. Slow spills.

I was thinking about the idea of slow focus. The slowing down for the study of something — a connection with a person, a story, a sense of experience that requires a prolonged quieting to be seen and comprehended.

That metaphor of time I’d experienced — as epiphany — in the deep wet grasses of the long slow river in the Everglades. I’ve been writing about these meditations, over the course of the last couple of days. One more, and I’ll leave it be.

Here, to that contemplation:

Still, in the silence of the swamps, I really found myself sliding into the primeval time of observation; for me, it’s that way of thinking that takes you out of the ridiculousness of the fray of busy-ness, into a kind of naturalized contemplation that draws you into the swamp pace.

Swamp time, I’d call it. But swamp, the idea of the swamp isn’t newly known, but hundreds, even thousands of years old — as, distinctively, a place. I ponder though the idea of swamp as being a kind of spongy absorptive and complexly layered way of experiencing things. Walking into the swamp, everything is alive, but quiet — there are actions, rustlings, swirling waters, ripples — the occasional call. But otherwise, there is a gauzy silence.

Creatures here seem to focus in a different way. They stand silent, supremely patient, quietly studying with the most intense and focused gaze — moving slowly, or steadfastly contemplative: dead still. Then they strike out — like lightning — and return to silence and study.

A good meditation for us all.

For me. Swamp mind — lies here, in the roots of time: ancient speaking, primeval ideas, birth place. The most recent use: 1624 (Capt. John Smith, in referencing Virginia), perhaps a dialectal survival from an Old English cognate of the Old Norse svoppr “sponge, fungus,” from — reaching into the mists of antiquity — the Proto Germanic: *swampuz; but traditionally connected with Medieval English — sompe “morass, swamp,” probably from Middle Dutch — somp or Middle Low German sump “swamp.” Related to Old Norse svöppr “sponge.” The verb sense of “overwhelm, sink (as if in a swamp)” is first recorded 1772; fig. sense is from 1818. (Douglas Harper)

Beauty, the allegory of the attention and the observational: paying heed, watchful and aware. Profound these reflections — for me.

If you’re not really looking, then how can you expect to see?


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