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Search results for: wowness

Blog: Quietude

The Complications of Content I was talking to a friend about cabling, chargers and hardware. Often, when I’m traveling, I’m roving. Moving from place to place. Others, happily desk bound, working in situ, they’re sending me texts: “please call...

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Blog: Sparklers

Sparking innovation and change. There is legitimacy to the metaphor of Fire. Girvin, the team — and Girvin, the family — are fierce lovers of fire. We’ve noted that earlier. But any fire starts with a spark, which can be the beginning of a perceived...

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THE SOULFUL BRAND There is a proposition that a brand can have soul. That a brand, as a presence built by humans, can have a warmth of intention. Intention is the grasp, literally, to stretch out. What does the reach of a brand re-present? Any brand starts with an...

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The journey of the answer. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest — it’s a journey, from one place of comprehension, the grip of knowing, to the pathway to a step of insight. And in that in sight, you see in. I...

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Blog: Happy Mother's Day

The Mothering of The Mother In my journey, I’ve studied the creative molding process as a man driven and bidden by the magicspell of making. In college, the 70s, I read Erich Neumann’s monumental undertaking “The Great Mother” which was...

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