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Search results for: type design


When you see something, does a scent come to mind? Sensing synaesthesia — the sensation of perfumed visualization. For a long time, we’ve been fascinated by the idea of hearing color, tasting sound, touching scent — the notion, rather the condition,...

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Blog: Heatherwick Studios

The rippling of Genius A friend writes from London — a visit to the Victoria & Albert show on the design ingenuity of Thomas Heatherwick. It’s not the first time that we’ve observed his shining light. Earlier, working in NYC, we’d noted his...

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Blog: Cut me up café! FAB!!!

DIWO @ FAB! Digital Dimension shop, Tokyo, Japan — from Fablab/Japan Hiroya Tanaka & Chiaki Hayashi | Fabcafé / FabLab [co]founders and Fab[lab]Visionaries/p> A CRAFTWORKS Café — collaborative, exploratory, experimental, “hack cultural.”...

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