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Search results for: type design

Project: Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 The Challenge Creative vision that challenges the medium When the game designers at Arenanet say “we bring art to life,” they take that belief to heart. In creating the imaginative, vast world of Guild Wars, noted Art Director Daniel Dociu sought a...

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Blog: Letter Mist

The Character of the Alphabet and the Maze of Knowing, the Real and Uncertain. What’s real, anyway? And — to the question of “any way, which?” what is the right “reading”? There’s a mystery in the alphabet — one, ages...

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Blog: Brand Patterning

Creating organically realized places with conceptually founded pattern language I was walking a forest, looking at its pattern language — the light, the array of the trees, the patterning of Light on the forest floor, the tread of footprints in the shadowed light of...

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Blog: The symbolism of the circle

I’d written a couple of weeks back about the enso, the zenga brush-drawn circles of the Zen masters, as a statement of satori and the enlightened condition. There’s more, to the notion of the symbology of the circle, as a gesture of containment and...

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