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Search results for: type design

Blog: Hospitality: state of brands

What is the brand of place? I’ve thought, long and hard, about the idea of brand in place. Moreso, the concept of the contained generosity, in sharing, and the nature of the host, the hostess, in creating a place of content — made; that is: if...

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Blog: American Graphic Design

design — the implementation of the signature, the marking, the descriptive curve, has always been that thing which crosses borders — for the sharing of one thing makes its way to another — it’s found here, signed, and extended there…and...

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Blog: Working with Steve Jobs

The design strategy of simplification A friend, Stuart Balcomb, a musician and composer in Venice, California, reminded me of something, to design — and Steve Jobs. I worked as a consultant to Apple, at the behest of Steve Jobs in the late 70s, early 80s. I met...

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