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Search results for: true brands

Blog: The Symbolism of the X

What lies beneath: the nature of the x, the cross road, the crossing guard, the mark of the x and the magic of the nexus. Girvin imagery | screen or site shot from handheld The symbolic allegory of the x mark. When I was in Bali, I was surprised by the...

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Blog: Dazzlement | a study in camouflage

What is the nature of the design of camouflage? Who designs it, and how does it work? The French cruiser Gloire A colleague of mine, pointed out an intriguing effort to abstractly camouflage boats during WWI with elaborate geometric rippling, reflective patterning....

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Blog: The return of the bowtie

Tim Girvin and Jack Larsen, at his Park Avenue Studio A fashion archetype, reconsidered. I was relieved to hear that the bow tie is coming back. Somewhere around ten years back I’d moved past that detail — the suit, the oxford shirt, the bow tie. That was...

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