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Search results for: true brands


DURING THE QUEST FOR ANSWERS AND THE CLARITY OF A CERTIFIED PATHWAY, THE SEARCH FOR DIRECTIONS AND OUTCOMES, IT COULD BE SOMETHING OF A MEANDER—A WANDER. Creativity is rarely straight, but not all that wander are lost. Speaking to a client about their product delivery...

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Project: Mary’s Gone Crackers

Mary’s Gone Crackers The Challenge Getting up to seed Mary’s Gone Crackers felt that it was time for a change, so they reached out to GIRVIN to refresh their image and reengage their audience. They wanted to update their logo and bring color and simplicity to...

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YOU ARE A LONE JOURNEYER? YOU ARE ALL ONE. YOU ARE THE ONE: THE ONLY, THE LONELY, THE ONE OF MANY. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– There’s a one—you, the only of your kind; there is the one of your group—the group of one, one’s group. There is your clan—there’s only...

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