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Search results for: true brands


The study of the Fifth Century Legacy of Chinese Painting Scholar, Practitioner and Theorist: Hsieh Ho “Energy is eternal delight”. William Blake Earlier in my career, decades back, I was exposed to the study of classical Chinese art theory and its applications to...

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Blog: ZenMind

BRAND KICKSTART: ZEN MIND, BEGINNER’S MIND GIRVIN office lobby working session | Seattle THE IMPETUS OF SPIRITUAL BRANDING — EXPLORING THE CONCEPT OF ZEN IN THE CONSTRUCT OF BRANDING In working with teams, on the implications of their brand, the process is inevitably...

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Blog: The Script of Being

Who are you, anyway? In several recent conversations with client companies, there has been a gesture to a kind of invention — like: “make me something I’m not.” “trying to look, speak, sound and feel like something” else. “I don’t like how we look.”...

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Blog: Stand in, stand back

Studying the journey of brand, and those that gather around them. How close in are you? You say you know, but is that just you? Or others? I was working with a team in Texas, and we were talking about modeling brand relationships — how does a brand team synchronize...

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Blog: Aloha Rag | NY+Honolulu

Reflections on retail design and the minimalist intent: brand and reflectivity in experience design, community and place. Since I’ve worked in the space of retail design for about 30 years, I’ve been long exploring the idea of design that relates to space....

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