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Search results for: symbolic design

Blog: Emergency Branding

Brand Medicine, 101. In our history, there are times when brand, their organic systems, begin to falter. — They don’t speak to a community, or they forgot who they were talking to, what they were relating, carrying a story and a product to a certain audience. As in...

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Blog: Energy is Eternal Delight

The work, the craft, the art, the energy. In a manner, much of my journey has been about where I’ve been and what I’ve seen. And what is unforgettable in my experiences with designers, craftspeople, makers and wonderers [and wanderers]. The above image from a...

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Blog: Designed Magic

The Strategy of Marks, Meaning, and the Transportation of Magic: Intentional Transformation In my history, and a string of blogs, I’ve commented on the notion of design, magic and their intertwinement. It’s been pointed out by some that such a discussion is infertile...

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Blog: Stand in, stand back

Studying the journey of brand, and those that gather around them. How close in are you? You say you know, but is that just you? Or others? I was working with a team in Texas, and we were talking about modeling brand relationships — how does a brand team synchronize...

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Blog: This Is For You

The Power of Person to Person I was working in San Francisco, walking the streets of Chinatown and contemplating the nature of the work that we all do. It’s a gate, to a bridge, a point of transition — from one step to another. And the portal to a person....

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Blog: Mystery Brands

Brands That Live in the Dark Is there ever a brand that lives on the quiet side, unknown, unseen — but quested after? Can you think of one? If you’re a searcher for the unknown, you walk out to where others do not. You go where others care not to linger....

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Blog: Pearlessence | II

The Launching of the Pearl | Lincoln Square | Bellevue Square Some reference, to meaning: pearl 1258, from Old French perle (13c.), Medieval Latin perla (1244), of unknown origin. Who knows the origin of the word, but there are theories, that reach back in tim to...

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