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Search results for: symbolic design


Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves Klein Rue Gentil-Bernard, Fontenay-aux-Roses, October 1960. THE SENSING OF COLOR. PANTONE’S BLUE 2020. “May all that emerges from me be beautiful.” Y V E S  K L E I N I...

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Seek Beauty Broadbased

Strategic Branding & Design Seattle |  San Francisco | New York | Tokyo Selected Projects Evolution of your brand identity can be a powerful marketing toolto re-energize your audience and build a larger consumer base. Evolution of your brand identity can be a...

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Seek Beauty Food

Strategic Branding & Design Seattle |  San Francisco | New York | Tokyo Selected Projects Evolution of your brand identity can be a powerful marketing toolto re-energize your audience and build a larger consumer base. Evolution of your brand identity can be a...

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Seek Beauty

Strategic Branding & Design Seattle |  San Francisco | New York | Tokyo Selected Projects Evolution of your brand identity can be a powerful marketing toolto re-energize your audience and build a larger consumer base. Evolution of your brand identity can be a...

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