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Search results for: soul

Blog: Altaring Time

The Exploration of Personal Journey and Ritualizing Experience Getting to the soul of things. What is a thing? I’ve wondered about that. A thing. T H I N G  O.E. Ãlthing “meeting, assembly,” later “entity, being, matter” (subject of deliberation in an assembly), also...

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The study of the Fifth Century Legacy of Chinese Painting Scholar, Practitioner and Theorist: Hsieh Ho “Energy is eternal delight”. William Blake Earlier in my career, decades back, I was exposed to the study of classical Chinese art theory and its applications to...

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Blog: Brand Magnetism

What do you know? The mystery of mind, message and meaning. I was thinking about that question — someone asked me: “well, what’cha know?” And I contemplated the depth of the question. It’s just as powerful as “what’s your story?” I thought about it: “really, what do I...

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Blog: The Exploration of Personal Ritual

Getting to the soul of things. What is a thing? I’ve wondered about that. A thing. thing I look into the place of where words go, where they have been, and what stories they tell: O.E.D: “meeting, assembly,” later “entity, being, matter” (subject of deliberation in an...

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Blog: BrandSpirit

The Quest for Heart and Soul in Branding While it’s been suggested by some that “brands can’t have a soul,” it might be proffered that the inherent intimacy of branding to humanity imparts that they have a character that is imbued with a soul-like intentionality —...

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Blog: The Hand Speaks

The Grace of Handwriting: Soul Drawings It is the physiological nature of our being that what the hand offers reaches back to the psychical current of the mind. In the journey of drawing, learning the way of The Seeing Hand, I was studying the treasury of master...

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