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Search results for: soul

Blog: Explorations | Bhutan | Kuensel

remote connections Kuensel Newspaper On-line Article Link —– At the request of editor Dasho Kinley Dorji, Editor in Chief, Kuensel, Thimphu, Bhutan —- I recently toured Bhutan. And it was a long-held dream for me. Some 40 years earlier, in teaching...

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WHEN I GET CLOSER, I KNOW MORE As I touch something, I can feel inside. Isn’t it so, for you, that when you touch something, you know more? In a conversation, touching the person that you’re communicating with, adds a series of punctuations and pauses that...

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Blog: Brand Scouting

As you explore the perimeter, you scout the range of the work. In our working experience, and in being a Scout and the magnetism of sensation, you need to get close in, first hand, to understand the nature of a brand, its people, its culture; it won’t be...

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Blog: Zen and Branding

The Contemplative Walk My earlier studies of Thich Nhat Hanh revolved around the walking meditation — grounding into the earth, walking, breathing, contemplating the open stride; that mindful, mindless walk, open-to-the-moment ambulatory meditation. Being in,...

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What Are You Looking At? In the journey of examination, the notion of self study is part of that voyage. But who’s with you, who’s helping; who’s reMinding you? I think that each of us has an ancient soul, something that goes back and back, far into...

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WHAT IF YOU’RE THE BRAND? We’ve written a lot about the brand of you. The truth of the brand will lie in the journey; in exploring any brand, our path is journey — what route has it been, what telling to the past, the present, the future? That goes...

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