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Search results for: soul

Blog: The Layering of the Message

The Light of Brand, the Voice and the Tiering of Message Messaging and stair-stepping access in community Given the entirely human nature of brand, the enterprise of humanity, the idea of thinking about brand as a poetic expression, isn’t entirely without...

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Blog: You Are Beautiful

The Search for Beauty — the Beauty of You, The Brand of You, and Others. In the quest for the truth of brands, the soul and heart of their storytelling — invariably, appropriately, there are humans involved. People make brands — mostly for other...

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Blog: Handwriting

Handwriting, the message, and the carriage of content I can look at a person’s handwriting and know how it will work out [their relationship to me.] There are insights in the cartography of writing [handwriting as soul-mapping] — and these interplays: [the...

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Blog: Optimism is Optimal

The word, the work, that optimizes Working in NYC, I was rifling through my wallet, heading downtown to the office, I pulled my subway card — which I’d noted in an earlier overview. Optimism, the MTA card There’s a word, that word — placed...

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