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Search results for: soul

Blog: The Measurement of Flow

HOW FLOW WORKS Earlier, I corresponded with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the scholar and author of “Flow.” His studies of the concept of flow and the optimal experience are legendarily groundbreaking. I found the idea of the perfected state, the flow state, to be...

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Blog: The Script of Being

Who are you, anyway? In several recent conversations with client companies, there has been a gesture to a kind of invention — like: “make me something I’m not.” “trying to look, speak, sound and feel like something” else. “I don’t like how we look.”...

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Blog: Designed Magic

The Strategy of Marks, Meaning, and the Transportation of Magic: Intentional Transformation In my history, and a string of blogs, I’ve commented on the notion of design, magic and their intertwinement. It’s been pointed out by some that such a discussion is infertile...

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Blog: Apple As Luxury Brand

Susan DeChillo | The New York Times I first met Steve Jobs in the 80s. Actually, it was at Stanford. He was there, speaking. And I was there, listening. Afterwards, I went up to introduce myself. And we went from there. I worked on the Macintosh launch and technology...

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The journey of the answer. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest — it’s a journey, from one place of comprehension, the grip of knowing, to the pathway to a step of insight. And in that in sight, you see in. I...

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Blog: Where are you?

Defining locality and brand presence What is on the surface and lies beneath? I was walking in the dark — that, a metaphor unto itself — and looking on the street, with the light filtering and flickering in the wind-riven trees, casting quivering shadows...

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