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Search results for: place making

Blog: Symbolic Emblems

SYMBOLIC EMBLEMS FOR INTERIORS: DESIGNING TALISMANS FOR A PLACE The Journey of Design, Place-making and Creative Environments: Archetypal Signage and Magical Badges As any designer knows, to brand and experience design, there is a link between storytelling and...

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Blog: The design…

The crafted design of layered stories, the mischief [and surprise] of what is unseen, and hidden — and the obvious ploy to plotted attention: the art of intentional concealment, personal secrets [held and shared], storytelling explication and the unfolding of...

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Blog: Into the Rave[n]

The Quest for Creative Inspiration, Imagination and Personal Iconography I photographed this bird in the Himalaya— in Bhutan, a place of the Raven Gods. As some know, I have a long history with Ravens—the birds. This comes from earlier, childhood and mystical...

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Blog: The scent of smoke

Sitting, working, early this morning — there’s smoke wafting in the studio. It’s too dark outside for there to be any other light — none emerges from the old building, studio windows – an old class room. The scent of this is old wood...

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