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Search results for: nordstrom

Project: House of Matriarch

House of Matriarch The Challenge Do you believe in magic? The House of Matriarch believes in the transcendent power of fragrance and its ability to connect us to the past, present, and future. GIRVIN was honored to be chosen to create a full brand around House of...

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Blog: Logomania

Brands, Logos, Communities Being in the business of design, and with a long history of work in the translation of the storytelling of brands into graphical interpretations, the logotype is at the center of brand style. And while there might be many layers of...

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Project: ZELLA

PLAYING HARD, LOOKING GOOD, FEELING GREAT GIRVIN’s Ideator® naming and brand development team was asked to create a naming strategy for an active women’s brand (now expanded to include men and girls) then in development by Nordstrom’s internal brand...

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Blog: Uplift

We’re all looking for the right answer, and the better outlook after the challenging sequences of the last couple of years. We’re looking for yes. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest— it’s a journey, from one...

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