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Search results for: momentum and moment

Blog: The Light Inside the Brand

The Person, the expression of Presence and the Brand Every time that you’re working on an enterprise, the proposition of brand, it’s always about people; it’s the people that built it, those that work in and around it, and finally, the community that is in thrall to...

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Blog: Brian Eno | Ambience, Sound & Scent

Studying the world of Brian Eno: scent, strategy, music and environment in experience design and contemplation. Image Copyright, Apple Computer, Inc., © 2008, all rights reserved. “Humans are capable of a unique trick: creating realities by first imagining them,...

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Blog: The Perfume of Sex

ROUGH TRADE #2 The Sense of Scent in the Most Profound and Personal Encounter (The second of two essays on unusual scent strategies) The design of the scents of evocation and emulation, storytelling legendary experiences It’s been said that perfume is the...

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Blog: Brand Weaving

The Interplay of Ideas, Visuals, Tiering and the lnterlacement of Branded Conceptions You might know, when you contemplate the sensation of brand experience, it’s not one element alone that is memorable, it lies in the layering of tiered, experiential moments that, in...

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