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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Blog: Kajeet

What story is there when the tale is hardware and the phone set for kids? Couple that thinking with a slightly schizophrenic jumble and you’ve got brand: Kajeet. Jeet is the personality, safety — the reference, yet a gameworthy fun is woven in....

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Blog: Two TED

There’s a great deal coming out of TED — the encounters, the explorations, the connections, the learnings. Incredible really. I don’t think I’ve ever been to anything quite like it. But the mix is increasingly world focused, on the big world...

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Blog: Dimensioned drawing: coming to life

See this? I was thinking about you. And I thought about this idea. —— Remember this book? Harold and the Purple Crayon. I’ve had a dream about this idea – the notion of drawing something, that moves and comes to life in a breathed animation....

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Blog: First Girvin Blog

12.29.06 This is the first day (and the first LIVE text) of the GIRVINVIRGIN blog @ girvin.com. Scroll over the GIRVIN brandmark, and there it will be. Soon. It’s not going to be the first entry (per se > chronologically) — and it’s really not on...

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Blog: Listening

Paying attention, appreciative perception and the emotionality of listening Isn’t it interesting, the way people lean-in? Leaning-in, they’re paying closer attention— why is that, is it a hearing expression? “I lean-in so I can hear better?” In running brand summits,...

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Blog: Into the Rave[n]

The Quest for Creative Inspiration, Imagination and Personal Iconography I photographed this bird in the Himalaya— in Bhutan, a place of the Raven Gods. As some know, I have a long history with Ravens—the birds. This comes from earlier, childhood and mystical...

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