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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Blog: The Layering of Patterning

Retail Brand Language: The Layering of Patterning. The design language of brand patterning. Brand patterning, psychic patterning — the hidden and the obvious messaging of place-making and experience, designed. I was watching some people in a place, and watching...

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Blog: Meditations on Manners

When I was in Bhutan, high in the misted Himalayan mountains, I’d spied a remote monastery and spoke to my guide, Tsewang Nidup about “getting up there.” We did get up there, like nearly every other lonely vista we aspired to summit —...

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Blog: The design…

The crafted design of layered stories, the mischief [and surprise] of what is unseen, and hidden — and the obvious ploy to plotted attention: the art of intentional concealment, personal secrets [held and shared], storytelling explication and the unfolding of...

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