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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Blog: Journey to the Light

Exploring the heart and soul of brand, story and personality There’s a journey in getting to the heart of brand, and in a manner, it will be about finding the light that lies at the end of that voyage, or in the center of that conclave. I’m always looking...

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Blog: windows

The symbolism of the window Thinking design / portals of storytelling / brand / story / insight. In the window to experience, you see in: in=sight. In the window to the object: circumspect — you walk around, surveil from the circumference. In the window to the...

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Blog: The Raven, a telling

Look, listen, study — the poetry of the birds I am watching the birds, and listening to their calls. More so, I’m watching how they watch. Normally, that’s something that I do with people — watching how they look at things. How do people see?...

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THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE SIMPLEST PRODUCT DESIGN AND ITS VARIATIONS TO UTILITY. In the spirit of exploring the hand made, old-tech and the utility of the obvious solution — from clothespins to pencils, I was talking to two people on two different bents. Girvin...

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Blog: The writing on the wall

The notes of time, presented as a script to presence Are you here, awake, reading the runes on the wall, cast before you? When you look at the walls, what language, what telling, what stories are told to you? I was thinking about the end of the world, as we know it,...

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