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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Blog: Scent

Scent is the most powerful of the five senses. How can companies use scent to attract customers? How can it be used as a marketing tool? It’s important to think of scent as a kind of layering of experience. For example, scent alone won’t instantly...

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Blog: If You Go Somewhere.

Get In There. Get Dirty. Get Deep. Digging Into Experience and Brand Learning. The Strategy of Story, Name, Journey. In every moment, there is a journey. The tiny steps of an instant, make up the chronology of a stride to the cartography of a longer journey, a path...

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Blog: Could you feel me?

Feeling in the world of design, sensation and brand In the midst of scientific tabulation, the downloading of massive arrays of data, the swirls of crowds, the whorls of trend and the waves of movement, it might be said that ultimately it will come down to one thing:...

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INTENTIONALLY BLANK? I found this in a hospital room. And I was thinking, “what is it for, really?” This room is intentionally supposed to be blank? Empty? An interesting discovery for a patient. Welcome? You’re here, but you’re not supposed to...

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Blog: We All Go That Way

Designing Signing Message Strategies: the Beginning, and the Ending, of Storytelling. Every story has a beginning, and an ending — each of us has a story, that has one beginning, and another start, and another initiation — and perhaps an ending that we all...

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