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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Project: Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii

Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii The Challenge From the grounds up Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii approached GIRVIN with a highly unique but dated brand identity that was sorely in need of a design revitalization. They needed a new look that better communicated the Bad Ass...

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Project: Haiku By Scott

Haiku by Scott The Challenge When Words Coincide Long-time client Scott Oki (Golf Club at Newcastle, Harbour Pointe, Oki Foundation, SeeYourImpact, Social Venture Partners, Outrageous Learning) has had the habit for years of writing haiku, at least once a day. This...

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CONTEMPLATIONS ON THE LOVE OF BEING. AND THE PLACE OF HAPPINESS. YOU COULD LOVE BEING. HAPPY. You get around, you look and you learn. Borobudur, Java And when you really get around, go deeper out there; you can see people that—to our view—might be experiencing deep...

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Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves Klein Rue Gentil-Bernard, Fontenay-aux-Roses, October 1960. THE SENSING OF COLOR. PANTONE’S BLUE 2020. “May all that emerges from me be beautiful.” Y V E S  K L E I N I...

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