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Search results for: metaphorical thinking


M A K E Y O U R W A Y S BRAND SPACE—THE STRATEGY OF MAKING—STORYTELLING, PLACE-MAKING, THE PERSONAL JOURNEY OF THE WORK—WHAT YOU MAKE AND THE WAY YOU MAKE IT. Isn’t it so that our journey—as creatives, designers, wordsmiths, strategists—is a stride towards finding?...

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SIMPLIFYING THE CONCATENATION OF BEING. Sometimes, simply being is—just by itself, complicated; it’s trying to be good to oneself, respectful of others, following a plan and a pathway, and doing good. Sometimes, it feels like it’s all a little bit much—then again, in...

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Project: Pattern Computer

Pattern Computer The Challenge Higher-level thinking After supporting the initial unveiling of their proprietary Pattern Discovery EngineTM in 2018, GIRVIN was later tasked by Pattern Computer to launch into the next phase of their reach into public awareness that...

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Project: Cheerwine

Cheerwine The Challenge Cheerwhere GIRVIN created a new brand solution that not only retained elements from the past, but moved the brand into the future. Holding on to the classic elliptical brand mark and evolving it to fit the “effervescent” territory, GIRVIN’s...

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Project: PNNL

PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY The Challenge Powering PNNL The executive leadership, scientific officers and PNNL’s HR team were considering a set of messaging solutions that support tiers of communications with various demographic sectors, from partnering...

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