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Search results for: metaphorical thinking

Blog: The Threading of Ideas

The Metaphor of the String I was thinking about the symbolism of weaving, having met with some weavers. Ephesus | Weavers Collective I watched them set the foundational warp, and then shuttling, back and forth, the patterning of the weft. It’s delicate work. And...

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Blog: The Art of Design

Research, Storytelling, Brand — Science, Strategy and Artfulness In working on a string of projects, to brand, research and background, audience review, positioning strategy. And, in some instances, the idea is a kind of an engineered review —...

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Blog: The Vibe of Place

The Spirits in An Environment I was walking in a place and I realized, for a moment, that I was alone. But there was something there, studying the sensation of environment. It had to do with the holism of the sensations — light, warmth, breeze, the former...

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Blog: The Geometry of Design

The Scribing of Design Thinking The word scribe to script, as a verb, is a “scratching, a scribble, a marking.” Describe comes to mind, for in that scratching, definition and articulation of idea becomes manifest. It comes right back to the very nature of...

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