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Search results for: metaphorical thinking


BRAND PRESENCE, PARTICIPATION AND SENSUAL DESIGN You’re here, right? That is: right now, you’re presenting, you’re present: you’re here? When you’re walking a space, trying to create a place — something unforgettable — you need to be in here. Present and focused,...

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Blog: Brand Sensuality

Experience Design, Sensationalism and the Layering of Sensuality You’re a…sensualist? You = sybarite? –––– This from an emailing from the lexicographical modeling of Visual Thesaurus below, a word cartographic tool that plays to motion-mapping the interrelationships...

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Blog: Arts and Leisure?

Isn’t art work? There’s an interesting proposition that art, aligned with leisure, is something relaxing and “easy.” I might offer that the making of art, the impassioned creativity, is never something easy. But instead, with the exception of those in the throes of...

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Blog: The World of Books

The compulsion of building libraries — collections of books and the perpetual love of books, more books and books piled high — everywhere. My daughter, Gabrielle, is the official library Matrix of GIRVIN. Since she’s been working there at our Pike Place Offices...

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