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Search results for: magic

Blog: The Cult of the Sigil

Designing Magic: The Draft of the Letter as the Quest for Mystery Everyone knows that occult really means hidden. But in that, one might surmise that the Cult of the Occult would be nothing more than the quest for the hidden. I probably live there, in more ways than...

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Blog: Brand Scouting

As you explore the perimeter, you scout the range of the work. In our working experience, and in being a Scout and the magnetism of sensation, you need to get close in, first hand, to understand the nature of a brand, its people, its culture; it won’t be...

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The LINE OF THOUGHT — THE THINKING THREAD and the illustration of idea — the crossing, ruled chalkline, oftentimes, to care of messaging, is in the deep story of text. A drawing is illustrative, it’s the shining of an idea. Lustrous. But text is a...

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