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Search results for: magic

Blog: Enthrallment

I was thinking about the concept of enthrallment. It was something that was mentioned to me during an encounter with Diane Ackerman, the author and poet, who described herself, her life, in that manner. Life’s spinning, a series of enthrallments. And I like that...

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Blog: James Turrell | Roden Crater

I first met James Turrell in the 70s. Maybe early 80s. And back then, along with Jim Olson, Carol Fuller, and the COCA board, which was just a little group of us, we’d conceived the idea of bringing James Turrell to Seattle to do an installation. And that he...

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WHEN YOU GO BACK, TO A PLACE OF QUIET, IN THAT PAUSE, RE-CREATE. The journey of creativity is an ebb and flow of the fluency of finding the beauty that is right for you, that you could find, discovering — and that you could make yourself, in your recreation. We...

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WHAT THAT COMES DOWN TO, IS WHAT TYPE, ARE YOU? When I interview people, prospective employees, client and team interviews, I watch for handwriting. How does a person sign their name, how do they take notes, how do they hold a pen? Everything tells a story. In...

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Blog: Crafted by Hand

Designing a World: Bears, Children, Wonderment and Michele Clise Ophelia’s World [Ophelia, showing above] Now and then, you get a chance to work on a project, or a succession of them, that might be reaching out to the edge of “what’s that,...

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