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Search results for: magic


THE JOURNEY FROM MIND TO KEYBOARD AND THE FLUENCY OF THE FIST, IN-HAND, FINGERED — handwritten –– Thought-bound, WORDS, POEMS AND HEARTS DRAWN OUT LARGE. There is more to handwriting than one might expect. We’ve talked about the nature of design and the signature —...

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Blog: Brian Eno | Ambience, Sound & Scent

Studying the world of Brian Eno: scent, strategy, music and environment in experience design and contemplation. Image Copyright, Apple Computer, Inc., © 2008, all rights reserved. “Humans are capable of a unique trick: creating realities by first imagining them,...

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Blog: Aloha Rag | NY+Honolulu

Reflections on retail design and the minimalist intent: brand and reflectivity in experience design, community and place. Since I’ve worked in the space of retail design for about 30 years, I’ve been long exploring the idea of design that relates to space....

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