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Search results for: magic


The twists and turns of meaning — drawn knowledge. In teaching workshops on the alphabet, and especially finding your own place in the quintessential expression of the YOU, in alphabetic form — the flow of your presence. What I believe is that each person has traits...

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Blog: What Is Your Name?

Contexts of Nomenclature and Meaning. According to the Greeks, “the etymon is the name of the true thing.” Etymos=true. What that means is that a name is a deep name, and that the truth would be told. Etymon — comes from the Greek for “truth” — and powerful names for...

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Blog: Spice and Perfume

The Legacy of Fragrance Design and Perfume, Taste Innovation and Spice Strategy In a workshop in Oregon, we studied the layering of taste and scent in new product development innovation summits. What came clear in the study group was a kind of synaesthesia of...

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Blog: Brand Sensuality

Experience Design, Sensationalism and the Layering of Sensuality You’re a…sensualist? You = sybarite? –––– This from an emailing from the lexicographical modeling of Visual Thesaurus below, a word cartographic tool that plays to motion-mapping the interrelationships...

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Blog: The Perfume of Books

Studying the Holism of Textual Contemplation [Reading]. In a manner, everything we do as designers comes back to an attribute of reading — that is: how we hold something, how we touch, taste, smell, hear, seek balance and intuit content are all manners of reading...

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