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Search results for: experience design place making

Blog: Brand Braille

*10. MARKETING: INNOVATIVE BRANDING AND MARKETING TRENDS. TIM GIRVIN, designer and founder of GIRVIN, discusses a new expression: Brand Braille. Tim describes this a sa metaphor – a way to transmit a brand message through the creation of a distinctive pattern that...

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Blog: The Rainbow Garden of Herbs

A LEGACY AND LETTERFORM LANDMARK FOR RAINBOW MAGAZINE CALLIGRAPHY AS MAGIC When it comes up to it, the making of marks is an inherently magical proposition; that is: magic is definable as a insight and plane changer. It transforms perception and meaning in the...

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THE X-MARK AS SYMBOL What lies beneath: the nature of the x, the cross road, the crossing guard, the mark of the x and the magic of the nexus. MGM | screen site shot from handheld The symbolic allegory of the x mark. When I was in Bali, I was surprised by the...

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