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Search results for: brandquest

Blog: The Concept of Good

Card from Frances May, photo by Girvin What about goodness? Brand, story, soul, humanity, beauty. Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing. [“As You Like It”] I was speaking with a client about the nature of goodness, in the truth of the brand...

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Blog: The Light Inside the Brand

The Person, the expression of Presence and the Brand Every time that you’re working on an enterprise, the proposition of brand, it’s always about people; it’s the people that built it, those that work in and around it, and finally, the community that is in thrall to...

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Blog: Hospitality: state of brands

What is the brand of place? I’ve thought, long and hard, about the idea of brand in place. Moreso, the concept of the contained generosity, in sharing, and the nature of the host, the hostess, in creating a place of content — made; that is: if...

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