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Search results for: brandquest

Blog: The History of the Hammer

The Tool, the Allegory, the Legend I’ve been using hammers. And collecting old hammers. Have you tried working with multiple hammers, their wood and metal shafts, their weighted mallet heads, explored how they work? The weight, the heft, the swing, the balance, the...

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Blog: The Shimmering

A Person, a Presence, a Brand I was working outside of the city, treasure-hunting. Actually, I was working inside a brand, their teams, looking for treasure — those glimmering and glistening points of compassed reference, the surveilled pin-pricks of a brand mapping,...

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WHAT IS: “A NICE DAY?” Nice is one of those tough words, that’s so vague and so commonly used enough that it made me ponder — “what’s that mean?” In my own journey, I live in a place of perpetual curiosity about words and meaning. I listen to what people...

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Blog: Rich Brands

Brands that are deep. In my journeys in meeting with brand leadership around the world, I watch for telling signs — the tell of a brand might be: How does the leader talk to their colleagues? Humane, cordial, supportive? How old, or new, is this brand? Is there a...

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Blog: Deep Smoke

The Design of Fragrances From The Forest Sometimes, it’s a ritual. A gathering of clans, spirits, prayers and reaching to another place, the plane of the unseen. Sometimes, it’s just fire, smoke and the vapors of translation — from woods and grasses...

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