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Search results for: brand-instinct

Blog: RUIN PORN — What Did You Do Now?

The Beauty of Ruination — the Quest for Damage The fascination with ruins. The beauty of that which was. When one hears that phrase, “brand new” it usually implies that which is bright and shiny — freshly made, just out of the mould. I tend not to have much interest...

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Blog: Listening

Paying attention, appreciative perception and the emotionality of listening Isn’t it interesting, the way people lean-in? Leaning-in, they’re paying closer attention— why is that, is it a hearing expression? “I lean-in so I can hear better?” In running brand summits,...

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Blog: Symbolic Emblems

SYMBOLIC EMBLEMS FOR INTERIORS: DESIGNING TALISMANS FOR A PLACE The Journey of Design, Place-making and Creative Environments: Archetypal Signage and Magical Badges As any designer knows, to brand and experience design, there is a link between storytelling and...

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Blog: Go Slow, Go Sure

Sometimes the best path Is the slow and watchful. Recently, I’ve been asked to design some signs — which, on a remote road, ask kindly: “Please Go Slower.” Sometimes in the planning of strategy, for your life, brands and other enterprises — striking out the...

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Blog: What is the way, found?

What is the way, found? I was thinking about this. In the context of the work that you do. And what we do. I’ve wondered about that, the character of being lost, being found. Finding your way. And there’s a part of the work that we do that is just about that — helping...

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