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Search results for: brand-instinct

Blog: Brand Fuzziness

Vague enterprises, blurred statements and frizzy positioning. I was walking across a vast concrete and asphalt lot, hundreds of feet between me and the monoliths of retail across the expansively empty and sweltering plains, two stood there: Sears and JCPenney. In the...

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Blog: Stories That Feel

BrandStories That Feel Brandstories in the Construct of Emotionality Earlier in our career, I was asked — in the 90s, to present what we thought was the newest context of brand strategy at Building One, downtown Cincinnati, Procter&Gamble. What we thought then was...

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Blog: Rich Brands

Brands that are deep. In my journeys in meeting with brand leadership around the world, I watch for telling signs — the tell of a brand might be: How does the leader talk to their colleagues? Humane, cordial, supportive? How old, or new, is this brand? Is there a...

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Blog: Brand Touch | Sensuality

Sensations in Experience (Design) In working through a series of materials for a new retail concept, it was interesting to see the preponderance of materials that lusted after the slickest vocabulary of finish. Easy to clean. But, to the nature of soul in (brand)...

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