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Search results for: brand-instinct

Blog: The Distant Avenue: The Craft, The Wins, The Failures and The Way Further

Sienna, Italia Ὁ βίος βραχύς, ἡ δὲ τέχνη μακρή, ὁ δὲ καιρὸς ὀξύς, ἡ δὲ πεῖρα σφαλερή, ἡ δὲ κρίσις χαλεπή. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Vīta brevis, ars longa, occāsiō praeceps, experīmentum perīculōsum,iūdicium difficile. Life is short, and art long, opportunity...

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Blog: CUMULAR thinking

Cumular Thinking: Crowdsourcing minds and gathering the principles of cumularity Mist and collective examination of the mystery of ideas — The Cloud mind: the metaphor of fluent vapor — the clouded allegory in the context of computing, burgeoning creative, a...

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And the implications to brand, strategy and the target Image: Disney Marvel Studios In my history, working around brand space, there are inherently central points of business structure, key practices that boost the brand’s proposition—channel core offerings. The...

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