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Search results for: brand-instinct

Blog: Handwriting

Handwriting, the message, and the carriage of content I can look at a person’s handwriting and know how it will work out [their relationship to me.] There are insights in the cartography of writing [handwriting as soul-mapping] — and these interplays: [the...

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Blog: smoke + art | the wavy line

The captivation of smoke. Smoke signals, fire, designed motion. [parfumare — “to smoke through.”] The layering of smoke, art, incense, color and the tinting of dust — the tracery of par fum. The smoky signals of journey. I was contemplating...

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Blog: The Watch

The Focus of Watch Fullness, Studying the Terrain Around You. I was hiking and, to every horizon line, path, water-lined and sanded beach and I studied the wind, the insects’ movement, the course of birds, the turning light and colour of green-cast tree-light....

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Blog: Cut me up café! FAB!!!

DIWO @ FAB! Digital Dimension shop, Tokyo, Japan — from Fablab/Japan Hiroya Tanaka & Chiaki Hayashi | Fabcafé / FabLab [co]founders and Fab[lab]Visionaries/p> A CRAFTWORKS Café — collaborative, exploratory, experimental, “hack cultural.”...

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Blog: Beautiful Garbage

There’s a story about beautiful garbage, based on the idea of one person’s — a team — visioning of a litter free place. That being — an alley. In Seattle, the founder team came up with the notion of “dumpster free” alleys, by...

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Blog: The Scent of Rot

ROUGH TRADE #3 The Perfume of Refuse, Decomposition and Excrement (The third of three essays on unusual scent strategies) In the beginnings of Das Parfum, authored by Patrick Süskind, there is a grouping of expressions that I’d first read in the original German....

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