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IS THERE SOMETHING ABOUT FLOWERS—THAT, FOR PEOPLE, IS ATTRACTIVE—AS IT IS FOR BEES AND OTHER INSECTS? SOME NOTES ON THE SYMBOLISM OF FLOWERS. As we all know, various flowers have symbolic virtues— the rose stands for something, the lily, another. But I’m curious about...

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IF YOU’RE GOING TO KNOW. THEN GO. TO GET TO THE HEART OF IT, GET OUT TO IT. At the edge of the whorled. There are those that comment on the state of the this, and the that. It’s the whirl, the spin, the turn and the twist — but does the whorl of a theory take you to...

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Blog: Signs and Meaning

The Context of Message, Framing of Context and Visualization I look for signs that aren’t signs — in a conventional sense — they tell another deeper story, but sigils that signal a message that stand for the nature of a place. Cairns, ovoo, iwakura no mononoke,...

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Blog: Ebola and Rebranding

EBOLA AND BRANDING OR REBRANDING. I was talking to a GIRVIN colleague about the CDC’s management of the Ebola viral spread — from Africa, now stateside. That might be a question to rebranding [the CDC — to reliability,] as well. We’d talked about the legacy of their...

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