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Search results for: brand storytelling

Blog: The First Microsoft Store

Image from TechFlash Taking pictures of Microsoft’s opening retail with iPhones. Sometime back, a friend of mine offered to introduce me to the new leader of Microsoft retail. I won’t mention either name, since it’s pointless now — I never...

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Blog: Brand and Mind

3M: Memory, Mental and Meaning. Sometimes we push a proposition in our work on brandspace that fails to take into consideration the bridging to a human scenario of mindfulness, meaning and the context of memory. All are — as would be obvious — aligned. But the notion...

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Blog: Brand Sensuality

Experience Design, Sensationalism and the Layering of Sensuality You’re a…sensualist? You = sybarite? –––– This from an emailing from the lexicographical modeling of Visual Thesaurus below, a word cartographic tool that plays to motion-mapping the interrelationships...

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Blog: Brand Scouting

As you explore the perimeter, you scout the range of the work. In our working experience, and in being a Scout and the magnetism of sensation, you need to get close in, first hand, to understand the nature of a brand, its people, its culture; it won’t be...

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