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Search results for: brand belief

Blog: Stand in, stand back

Studying the journey of brand, and those that gather around them. How close in are you? You say you know, but is that just you? Or others? I was working with a team in Texas, and we were talking about modeling brand relationships — how does a brand team synchronize...

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Blog: Luxury in China

Let’s start at the beginning point of our earlier conversations; branding is about people. It’s not merely about the growth figures; there’s no growth if people don’t get the story. The real point, however, is about what luxury means; yes –...

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Blog: Uplift

We’re all looking for the right answer, and the better outlook after the challenging sequences of the last couple of years. We’re looking for yes. Anytime you have an answer, there was a question before. And any question is a quest— it’s a journey, from one...

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