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Search results for: brand belief

Blog: Qualia: Yves Klein International Blue, Beauty and States of Being. Examining sensation, perception, beauty and the story of the brand — human, color and otherwise

Le Saut dans le Vide (Leap into the Void); Photomontage by Harry Shunk of a performance by Yves Klein Rue Gentil-Bernard, Fontenay-aux-Roses, October 1960. When the experiencer comes to the sensing of color, even brand color, what is the grasp, the embracement of...

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Blog: Brand Weaving

The Interplay of Ideas, Visuals, Tiering and the lnterlacement of Branded Conceptions You might know, when you contemplate the sensation of brand experience, it’s not one element alone that is memorable, it lies in the layering of tiered, experiential moments that, in...

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