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Search results for: ZEN


The study of the Fifth Century Legacy of Chinese Painting Scholar, Practitioner and Theorist: Hsieh Ho “Energy is eternal delight”. William Blake Earlier in my career, decades back, I was exposed to the study of classical Chinese art theory and its applications to...

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Blog: The Symbolism of Archery

And the implications to brand, strategy and the target It’s been noted that, with the avid consumption and viewership of everything Jennifer Lawrence, the “Hunger Games” and Jeremy Renner’s rendering of “The Avengers” Hawkeye as a...

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Blog: Brian Eno | Ambience, Sound & Scent

Studying the world of Brian Eno: scent, strategy, music and environment in experience design and contemplation. Image Copyright, Apple Computer, Inc., © 2008, all rights reserved. “Humans are capable of a unique trick: creating realities by first imagining them,...

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Project: Red Pine

RED PINE |WOODY CREEKPICTURES The Challenge Global Brilliance Create a compelling, stylistically appropriate creative direction, stylistic orientation, and art for a Woody Creek Films documentary. The Solution Singing the Ancient Songs GIRVIN collaborated on the...

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Blog: The Turn of the Gesture

The Beauty of the Mindless Walking a construction site, I was studying the siting notes and install corrections. What I note, in watching the drawings, writings and notations of others is that in that sense of mindlessness. The doodle, the swirl, the twist, the check...

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Blog: Crafted by Hand

Designing a World: Bears, Children, Wonderment and Michele Clise Ophelia’s World [Ophelia, showing above] Now and then, you get a chance to work on a project, or a succession of them, that might be reaching out to the edge of “what’s that,...

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