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Search results for: Wellness

Blog: The Symbolism of Archery

And the implications to brand, strategy and the target It’s been noted that, with the avid consumption and viewership of everything Jennifer Lawrence, the “Hunger Games” and Jeremy Renner’s rendering of “The Avengers” Hawkeye as a...

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Blog: Sweet Being

A Sense of Place, Design and Experience When I was studying with Reed College’s rockstar+poet+calligrapher Lloyd Reynolds, I spent time with him at his home in Portland, talking, exploring and pouring over his enormous library. We’d write out broadsides,...

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Blog: Meditations on Manners

When I was in Bhutan, high in the misted Himalayan mountains, I’d spied a remote monastery and spoke to my guide, Tsewang Nidup about “getting up there.” We did get up there, like nearly every other lonely vista we aspired to summit —...

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Blog: Zen and Branding

The Contemplative Walk My earlier studies of Thich Nhat Hanh revolved around the walking meditation — grounding into the earth, walking, breathing, contemplating the open stride; that mindful, mindless walk, open-to-the-moment ambulatory meditation. Being in,...

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I’m looking for paths. The turning — Every thing turns and spins in its order. What? That? I’ve been out, looking at the stars, pondering the turning — and now, the great waves, that roar and roll, persistently. Listening to the water — the turning and churning, waves...

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Blog: All that Wander

ALL THAT WANDER SHALL BE FOUND The Quest for Metaphor, Personal Symbolism and the Iconography of Journey IN THE WORK ON BRAND, the questing strategist invariably finds that — besides the fundamentals of commerce — there are deeper values to the work: there is a...

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IS THERE SOMETHING ABOUT FLOWERS—THAT, FOR PEOPLE, IS ATTRACTIVE—AS IT IS FOR BEES AND OTHER INSECTS? SOME NOTES ON THE SYMBOLISM OF FLOWERS. As we all know, various flowers have symbolic virtues— the rose stands for something, the lily, another. But I’m curious about...

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