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Search results for: Truth

Blog: The Perfume that is You

You smell. Where you go, where you’ve been, what you remember is what holds you. You have a scent, whether you’re wearing a perfume or not. And you’ve smelled things, places you’ve been, things you’ve remembered. What were they? The point...

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Blog: Brand Scouting

As you explore the perimeter, you scout the range of the work. In our working experience, and in being a Scout and the magnetism of sensation, you need to get close in, first hand, to understand the nature of a brand, its people, its culture; it won’t be...

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Blog: Looking at Skins

Studying the Face of People and the Buildings that they Make In the past, we’ve talked about the modeling of a brand relationships — the relating [the carrying, the holding and the retelling] of that content, product or story in a manner that it can be...

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Blog: The design…

The crafted design of layered stories, the mischief [and surprise] of what is unseen, and hidden — and the obvious ploy to plotted attention: the art of intentional concealment, personal secrets [held and shared], storytelling explication and the unfolding of...

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