GIRVIN was approached by business owners and partners, Dr. Tom Bombeli and Karin Bombeli, who have seen significant business growth in their existing enterprise makingcosmetics.com and wanted to expand into a customized, ingredient-based, do-it-yourself cosmetic brand. GIRVIN partnered with the Bombeli’s and, through our BrandQuest® strategic working sessions, the team “uncovered” the spirit of their ideal brand.

With a targeted demographic – 30 to 60-year-old women and men seeking a holistically natural product with complete awareness of the ingredients and formula – the GIRVIN design team created customized typography, as well as a radiant floriate star symbol, positioning the Shenui brand as a premium and approachable product, exuding innovation yet natural and healthy.

“Beautifully articulated, GIRVIN took our business plan and ideas and shaped them into what we believe exudes our brand at its core — our timeless brand expression — Shenui.”
Tom & Karin Bombeli | Co-Founders | Somerset Cosmetics