Pattern Computer

The Challenge

Higher-level thinking

After supporting the initial unveiling of their proprietary Pattern Discovery EngineTM in 2018, GIRVIN was later tasked by Pattern Computer to launch into the next phase of their reach into public awareness that would punch up the “wow factor.”

The Solution

The future is now

In support of Pattern’s growth and the far-reaching implications and affects of their completely new way of discovering patterns within the fields of medicine, aerospace, economics, AI and more, GIRVIN redesigned their website to clearly communicate who they are and the immediacy and impact of their work.

And Beyond

At the start, GIRVIN was there to launch Pattern Computer with an identity, initial website and icon system, brand standards guide, and print collateral in support of their brand launch event—including business cards, stationery system, and signage,

Along with a new website, we also created other digital collateral such as infographics, video art direction, and presentation deck.


The investor meeting went extremely well—we blew them away, tons of new interest and existing investors upping their investments.

The deck looked incredible, only offset by a low-res projector that I couldn’t swap out in time. We got high marks for both presentation quality and content, and GIRVIN’s team was instrumental in us appearing so professional.”

cmo | pattern computer