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Search results for: DESIGN THE SIGNATURE


WHEN I GET CLOSER, I KNOW MORE As I touch something, I can feel inside. Isn’t it so, for you, that when you touch something, you know more? In a conversation, touching the person that you’re communicating with, adds a series of punctuations and pauses that...

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Blog: Love the New

And Recall the Old Strategies of brand innovation and evolution patterning. Newness. Wowness. Feelingness. Going forward and going back in the quest for the newness of change. IN THE JOURNEY OF ANY ONE, THE QUEST FOR THE NEW WILL BE IN THE HEART, AND THE HEAT, OF...

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Blog: Where are you?

Defining locality and brand presence What is on the surface and lies beneath? I was walking in the dark — that, a metaphor unto itself — and looking on the street, with the light filtering and flickering in the wind-riven trees, casting quivering shadows...

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INTENTIONALLY BLANK? I found this in a hospital room. And I was thinking, “what is it for, really?” This room is intentionally supposed to be blank? Empty? An interesting discovery for a patient. Welcome? You’re here, but you’re not supposed to...

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MEDITATIONS ON BEING. AND HAPPINESS. In the range of travel, I’ve seen some of the most remarkably dismal, difficult and challenging “survival-focused” environments. And the people in them. Still, smiles emerge. Yes, these New Dehli school girls...

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Blog: Zen and Branding

The Contemplative Walk My earlier studies of Thich Nhat Hanh revolved around the walking meditation — grounding into the earth, walking, breathing, contemplating the open stride; that mindful, mindless walk, open-to-the-moment ambulatory meditation. Being in,...

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