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Search results for: type design

Blog: Stories That Feel

BrandStories That Feel Brandstories in the Construct of Emotionality Earlier in our career, I was asked — in the 90s, to present what we thought was the newest context of brand strategy at Building One, downtown Cincinnati, Procter&Gamble. What we thought then was...

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Blog: Wowness | The Condition of Wow

What is wow? Girvin image above: a streetside wow, cast iron, Queen Anne Hill, Seattle. I was writing a proposal and overview for a client. And I used the opening: Wow! That was the first word. I contemplated that, an opening — wow! What is that? I was thinking about...

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Project: P&G | Camay

P&G | Camay The Camay leadership team asked GIRVIN to support a positioning exploratory and legendary conception for a new global retelling of the Camay brand story. GIRVIN worked on responding to a testing brief that showed that women around the world all valued...

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Blog: Shadow Brands

Looking at the dark side of brand, their strategies, and their stories. In the work of finding the heart and soul space of a team of entrepreneurs, their creation, a brand and the story of their telling — community and relationships — sometimes a darker...

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I’m looking for paths. The turning — Every thing turns and spins in its order. What? That? I’ve been out, looking at the stars, pondering the turning — and now, the great waves, that roar and roll, persistently. Listening to the water — the turning and churning, waves...

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