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Search results for: attention

Blog: The Perfume of Sex

ROUGH TRADE #2 The Sense of Scent in the Most Profound and Personal Encounter (The second of two essays on unusual scent strategies) The design of the scents of evocation and emulation, storytelling legendary experiences It’s been said that perfume is the...

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Everything changes; everything is on fire. Nothing is the same as it was; everything is the same as it shall be. In the mist of experience, it’s all changing — still standards flow, and patterning emerges. While everything is in flux, everything goes as it...

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WHAT LANGUAGE: YOUR MESSAGE? WHAT CALL: YOUR PLEA? WHAT TONE: YOUR HOPE? HOW LOUD:  YOUR REACH? Sometimes I’m asking for help. But I’m not asking for help in the right way. One calls out, but the call falls on deafness. The point might be that the call is...

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Blog: The Symbolism of the X

What lies beneath: the nature of the x, the cross road, the crossing guard, the mark of the x and the magic of the nexus. Girvin imagery | screen or site shot from handheld The symbolic allegory of the x mark. When I was in Bali, I was surprised by the...

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